
Post-selection inference in Python

I wrote a Python port, available on GitHub, of parts of the excellent R package hdm by Victor Chernozhukov, Chris Hansen and Martin Spindler. None of the theory or the original code are mine; all credit goes to the authors. All I did was port parts of it into Python and enable parallel processing. This can make the Python port much faster than the original R package for anything which involves simulations, for example data dependent penalty terms for robust LASSO.

Linear models in Python

I wrote a Python package, available on GitHub, to run linear models in Python. It is in many ways similar to (and will often miss functionality provided by) existing packages, such as statsmodels or scikit-learn’s linear regression, but contains some additional capabilites, such as some bootstrap algorithms (e.g. the wild bootstrap with the ability to impose the null, and the cluster robust bootstrap from Cameron, Gelbach, and Miller, 2008). It also contains the ability to drop variables based on their variance inflation factors, mostly to mirror functionality provided by STATA.

Covariance matrices for fastglm

I modified the R package fastglm by Jared Huling, adding a vcov() method to get the estimated covariance matrix of the coefficients. (The original package provides standard errors, but not the whole covariance matrix.) The code is available on GitHub. You can install my port of the package using


The vcov() method works just like its counterpart in glm. For an estimated model <- fastglm(x, y, ...), just call vcov(model) to retrieve it. This works for all decomposition methods used in the package, though setting method = 2 or method = 3 (standard and robust Cholesky decomposition) is more efficient. The reason is that those methods already decompose the gram matrix X^T * X to estimate coefficients, whereas for other methods that has to be done as an extra step when calculating the covariance matrix. I recommend you only use my version of the package if you actually need the covariance matrix, since it’s slightly slower and uses more memory than the original.